Who We Are

A group of leading doctors and scientists who reject mainstream medicine and wish to share healing modalities based on real science and proven results! Our leading experts have spent decades studying and applying various New Biology healing modalities and will guide you through this exciting field of natural medicine. We are honored to share this sacred knowledge, so that together we can recapture the natural healing power within ourselves and our living world.

Healing Methodologies
Featuring the New Biology

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The New Biology is not new.

The New Biology is not new, though it is a modern perspective on some well-established studies of living systems. Dr. Cowan and his colleagues have spent decades researching, learning, and adapting their understanding of the living world, and applying this knowledge to help people live heathier lives. Most of us were taught in traditional medical schools and served as licensed practitioners and scientists in top ranked hospitals, research laboratories and private practices. Our common theme is our disillusionment with the falsehoods of commonly accepted theories in modern biology. We are committed to unveiling the truth for the betterment of all living things.


To influence a worldwide healing movement by sharing our knowledge of the New Biology with fellow practitioners and others, so they can help people take ownership of their health journeys using proven natural healing principles.


We provide high-quality online education on the New Biology for physicians, scientists and healthcare practitioners around the world.

See the living world in a new way.

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About Dr. Tom Cowan

Dr. Thomas Cowan is a well-known alternative medicine doctor, author, and speaker, with a common-sense, holistic approach to health and wellness. He has given countless lectures and workshops throughout the U.S. on a variety of subjects in health and medicine and is the author of six books. Recent publications include "The Contagion Myth” co-authored by Sally Fallon Morell, “Cancer and the New Biology of Water” and "Human Heart, Cosmic Heart."

Until his retirement from active practice, Dr. Cowan had a general-medical practice for 17 years in San Francisco, preceded by 17 years in Petersborough, NH, and several years in upstate New York. He was a founding board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation and currently serves as its vice president.

Dr. Cowan continues to actively lecture and interview, sharing information via his website, DrTomCowan.com, where he also offers many of the products he has used personally and in his practice. TheNewBiology.com is his latest passion, an opportunity to collaborate with other leading doctors and scientists in various New Biology disciplines, share knowledge with fellow colleagues, and provide people with well-needed support for their health concerns, using New Biology methodologies. Additionally, Dr. Cowan offers high-quality beyond-organic vegetable powders and kitchen staples on his DrCowansGarden.com website.

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About Dr. Veronica Tilden

Veronica Tilden is a Doctor of Osteopathy.  Dr. Tilden has been in practice since 1997, and uses traditional hands-on osteopathy and a holistic approach to help people regain vibrant health. She went to medical school at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific at Western University in California. Her undergraduate studies were in Environmental Toxicology.  
Dr. Tilden is very passionate about helping couples get pregnant and have the baby of their dreams. She has had amazing success, and is frustrated that the simple and basic information that everyone should know is not more available. Doctors in primary care often prescribe drugs, or refer to a fertility clinic that usually recommends IVF (in vitro fertilization). These things may be helpful, but are rarely the place to start.

Dr. Tilden created the 6 Lifestyle Factors for Fertility course to share her knowledge more widely. Most women do not know if their menstrual cycles are normal, or what days to have intercourse to conceive.  Men do not know if their sperm are healthy. And many couples are not making the lifestyle choices needed to be healthy enough to get pregnant, make it to full term, and have a healthy baby. This course will empower you with the knowledge you need to take control of your fertility and become vibrantly healthy so that your body will know it is time to bring a baby into your life. Visit DrVeronicaTilden.com to learn more about Dr. Tilden.